Picturing Pluto ~ 8 Jul 2015

In less than a week, the New Horizons space probe, and the vial carrying one ounce of Clyde Tombaugh’s ashes, achieves Peripluto (made up that term) - the closest approach to Pluto. The grand event occurs at 07:49:57 EDT on July 14th.

New Horizons website: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/newhorizons/main/index.html

A funny thing happened on the way to Pluto. Earlier this month the spacecraft went into “safe mode,” a semi-quiescent state in which data and observations could not be collected. Was the probe afraid of what would be found? Was the probe honoring the newly named Kuiper Belt object Mors-Somnus (Mors a personification of death; Somnus a personification of sleep) by falling asleep as it neared the previous sole owner of planetary rulership of death in the horoscope? Fortunately, a few computer impulses later, the craft is now in “science mode” again.

We’ve been getting color images of the planet for months now. Perhaps as the mini-solar system scope of Pluto becomes more evident, his status will be re-elevated. After all, he is part of a binary planet system, with three additional moons! Not bad for a Kuiper Belt cast away. Really, it does not matter to astrologers if his status is restored. No love has been lost for Pluto regardless of what astronomers call him.

With conscious attention directed at an object, concept or what have you, the integration of the consciousness available in such observation, unconsciously - as Pluto likes it - begins. Regardless of the attention one directs at Pluto on a personal level, the collective consciousness shifts because of the New Horizons observations and all they will come to reveal.

Already new things have been seen. For instance, four dark spots at the bottom of Pluto appear in early, not yet clear photos, somewhat like nectarines that sat too long in their plastic packing cradle before consumption.

Dark spots notwithstanding and discoveries yet known, picturing Pluto permits a breakthrough era in collective consciousness. For the first time we savor a clear look at the planet of transformation... the phoenix lodestone that we seek out to resurrect our souls from despair... the surmounting of whatever circumstances or decisions created the personal dark night of the soul... like a protagonist in a well-told tale, we get to rise above, be better than ever, and start with renewed hope and vigor as if there is no tomorrow. That’s how Pluto likes it: Conduct all acts with intention and purpose. Act like you mean it. Do everything you do as if all bets are off.

Can you feel it yet? Shifts are occurring! Everyone riding upon the currents of the collective awareness feels the changes of the tides, whether consciously or not. Consciously seems better giving the celestial goings on and the previously assigned edge of the solar system, which of course now extends more than sixty times in breadth what was previously perceived.

Not only are we dialing in on Pluto, two days before New Horizons reaches PeriPluto, the planet (dwarf) Makemake enters Libra to stay in his current revolutionary cycle. This is equally significant to what happens when Pluto changes signs. Can you feel that, too?

Not to worry, the next SkyScraping will define the implications of the evolutionary transitions implicated by Makemake’s sign shifting. It’s a good thing... in fact, lots of good things.

Until then Pluto lovers, check out the link to the New Horizons mission website. In doing so, remember that you are seeing views that have been desired for eighty-five years and five months... ever since Clyde Tombaugh located Pluto with his tedious work with the blink comparator at Lowell Observatory... finally a real time, clear, close-up look at our guide in the realm of transition, change and transformation. Halle-dang-lujah!

Stay tuned. More to come soon!